Legendary Journey

Envoy Armor

Your first Legendary Armor set requires 150 Legendary Insights (LI) and the completion of 2 collections. You can earn 25 LI in a week with our Weekly Legendary Insights package. This will take 6 weeks to complete. We will guide you through the collections along the way, and guarantee the kills for you. *Subsequent armor sets require 300 LI*

Weekly Legendary Insights (25LI): 1250g
– All Heart of Thorns and Path of Fire Raids weekly

Tier 2 envoy heart challenges 600g 
– 400g bundle price, if you are buying the Weekly Legendary Insight package

Individual Heart Collection Items:

  • Jade Heart (Cairn) 300g
  • Protected Heart (Mursaat Overseer) 250g
  • Tormented Heart (Samarog) 250g
  • Demonic Heart (Deimos) 300g


Legendary Ring Requires 150 Legendary Insights (LI) and the completion of 3 collections. You can earn 25 LI in a week with our Weekly Legendary Insights package. This takes 6 weeks to complete. We will guide you through the collections along the way, and guarantee the kills for you.

Weekly Legendary Insights (25LI): 1250g
– All Heart of Thorns and Path of Fire Raids weekly
– No extra cost for the collections if you are buying this weekly package

Coalescence Collections

Tier 1 ring   300g

  • Soulless Horror
  • River of Souls
  • Dhuum
  • Chests and collections

Tier 2 ring 200g

  • Qadim (wing 6)
  • Apparatus

Tier 3 ring 300g

  • Adina
  • Sabir
  • Qadim the Peerless (wing 7)

Ad Infinitum

Tier 1 (400g)

  • 2cms 200g
  • 3 normal fractals 100g
  • 1 timed 100g
  • mist geyser

Tier 2 (400g)

  • 2 CM 200g
  • 3 normal fractals 100g
  • 1 timed 100g
  • mist geyser

Tier 3 (500g)

  • 2 CM 200g
  • 4 normal fractals 200g
  • 1 timed 100g
  • mist geyser

Tier 4 (700g)

  • 2 CM 200g
  • T4 Mai Trin timed 100
  • 6 normal fractals 400
  • mist geyser
  • Twilight Arbor boss

Warbringer Backpack

  • 2 hours of WvW participation for Pips and Reward Track progress – 80g
    • Great for getting Gifts of Battle or skirmish tickets
    • Runs Wed-Sunday 8AM – 10AM CST
